Rock Vs Paper

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  1. Rock Vs Paper Read Aloud
  2. Rock Vs Paper Vs Scissors Book

'Rock paper scissors' is a simple and interesting game. Many of us used to play it in a school to resolve disputes or just to spend some time. But how to play if your friends are far away? For this reason was created. It allows you to play with friends any time you want. Created by Ileia Anime Song ONE OK ROCK - Rock, Scissor, Paper. Games; info; Apr 1, 2015 RPS EXTREME DEATHMATCH. Admin ⋅ games ⋅. ADULT SWIM GAMES.

Player A will win one-third of the time (Paper, Rock), lose one-third of the time (Scissors, Rock) and tie one-third of the time (Rock, Rock). We can compute the number of points that Player A will earn, on average, each round by computing the sum of the product of each outcome with its respective probability.


Use the accelerometer and the screen to build a Rock Paper Scissors game that you can play with your friends!

Step 1

Add a ||input:on shake|| block to run code when you shake the micro:bit.

Step 2

Add a hand variable and place the ||variables:set hand to|| block in the shake event.

Step 3

Add a ||math:pick random|| block to pick a random number from 1 to 3 and store it in the variable named hand.

In a later step, each of the possible numbers (1, 2, or 3) is matched to its own picture. The picture is shown on the LEDs when its matching number is picked.

Step 4

Place an ||logic:if|| block under the ||math:pick random|| and check whether hand is equal to 1. Add a ||basic:show leds|| block that shows a picture of a piece of paper. The number 1 will mean paper.

Step 5

Click on the SHAKE button in the simulator. If you try enough times, you should see a picture of paper on the screen.

Rock Vs Paper Read Aloud

Step 6

Click the (+) button to add an ||logic:else|| section.

Step 7

Add a ||basic:show leds|| block inside the ||logic:else||. Make a picture of a scissors in the LEDs.

Step 8

Click the + button again to add an ||logic:else if|| section. Now, add a conditional block for ||logic:hand = 2|| to the condition in ||logic:else if||. Since hand can only be 1, 2, or 3, your code is covering all possible cases!

Step 9

Get one more ||basic:show leds|| block and put it in the ||logic:else if||. Make a picture of a rock in the LEDs.

Step 10

Click on the SHAKE button in the simulator and check to see that each image is showing up.

Step 11

If you have a micro:bit, click on |Download| and follow the instructions to get the codeonto your micro:bit. Your game is ready! Gather your friends and play Rock Paper Scissors!

Rock Vs Paper

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In this tutorial, I will show you how to create rock, paper and scissors game using java.

For this game, we will need two players whose choices are independent of each other. Each outcome is dependent on the rules of the game. We will simulate similar behavior in our program. Below are the rules of the game as you all know:

  1. Rock beats Scissors.
  2. Scissors beats Paper.
  3. Paper beats Rock.

If both the players made the same choice, it is declared as a tie. Also, whoever wins the 2 or more rounds in 3 chances wins the game.

Java program for Rock, paper and scissors Game

Rock Vs Paper Vs Scissors Book

The game will be played between user and the computer. The choices taken by the computer are independent of the choice of the user. At the end of the 3 rounds, the winner will be declared.

Firstly, we will create an array which contains all the possible choices for a single player.

The getComp() will generate choice taken by the computer by choosing a number randomly between 0-2 which will represent the index in the array of choices. Hence, we will use Random class to generate this number.

  • java.util package contains Random class.
  • An instance of Random class is used to generate random numbers.
  • If two instances have the same seed value, then they will generate the same sequence of random numbers.

Therefore, we call nextInt() method on that instance to generate random number. The parameter passed to this function is the maximum permissible value of the generated number(Excluding the limit). The maximum value in this case is 3.

After that, user will be prompted to enter his/her choice. We will use the Java Scanner class to get user input.

  • java.util package contains Scanner class

After creating an instance of Scanner class, we will use the nextLine() method to read Strings.

Rock Vs Paper

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In this tutorial, I will show you how to create rock, paper and scissors game using java.

For this game, we will need two players whose choices are independent of each other. Each outcome is dependent on the rules of the game. We will simulate similar behavior in our program. Below are the rules of the game as you all know:

  1. Rock beats Scissors.
  2. Scissors beats Paper.
  3. Paper beats Rock.

If both the players made the same choice, it is declared as a tie. Also, whoever wins the 2 or more rounds in 3 chances wins the game.

Java program for Rock, paper and scissors Game

Rock Vs Paper Vs Scissors Book

The game will be played between user and the computer. The choices taken by the computer are independent of the choice of the user. At the end of the 3 rounds, the winner will be declared.

Firstly, we will create an array which contains all the possible choices for a single player.

The getComp() will generate choice taken by the computer by choosing a number randomly between 0-2 which will represent the index in the array of choices. Hence, we will use Random class to generate this number.

  • java.util package contains Random class.
  • An instance of Random class is used to generate random numbers.
  • If two instances have the same seed value, then they will generate the same sequence of random numbers.

Therefore, we call nextInt() method on that instance to generate random number. The parameter passed to this function is the maximum permissible value of the generated number(Excluding the limit). The maximum value in this case is 3.

After that, user will be prompted to enter his/her choice. We will use the Java Scanner class to get user input.

  • java.util package contains Scanner class

After creating an instance of Scanner class, we will use the nextLine() method to read Strings.

Java Code:

We will match the choice entered by the user to the index in the array of choices. Further, we will send both the integer values (representing computer and user choices respectively).

The getDecision(int,int) method will increment the score of the players on the basis of rules of the game. We have used switch case in this program. The control of the program will enter the switch cases if the choices entered by both the players is not same. Hence, switch case is kept in the else block.

Finally, we will display the choices made by both the players, along with the result of each round.

The getResult() method compares scores of both the players at the end of 3 rounds and prints the final result.


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